Control Board for ABB 1MRK000614ABR01
The ABB 1MRK000614ABR01 Control Board is a versatile and reliable control board designed for use in industrial automation systems.
Product Details:
3BSE031155R1 | BC810K02 |
3BSE018103R1 | CI853K01 |
3BSE030220R1 | CI854AK01 |
3BSE018106R1 | CI855K01 |
3BSE026055R1 | CI856K01 |
3BSE018144R1 | CI857K01 |
3BSE018135R1 | CI858K01 |
3BSE032444R1 | CI860K01 |
3BUA000037R1 | CI862K01 |
3BUA000111R1 | CI862K02 |
3BSE040795R1 | CI865K01 |
3BSE043660R1 | CI867K01 |
3BSE048845R1 | CI868K01 |
3BSE056767R1 | CI871K01 |
3BSE051129R1 | CI872K01 |
3BSE056899R1 | CI873K01 |
3BSE066485R1 | PM851AK01 |
3BSE066490R1 | PM856AK01 |
3BSE066495R1 | PM860AK01 |
3BSE018157R1 | PM861AK01 |
3BSE018160R1 | PM861AK02 |
3BSE018161R1 | PM864AK01 |
3BSE018164R1 | PM864AK02 |
3BSE031151R1 | PM865K01 |
3BSE031150R1 | PM865K02 |
3BSE050198R1 | PM866K01 |
3BSE050199R1 | PM866K02 |
3BSE053241R1 | PM891K01 |
3BSE053242R1 | PM891K02 |
Profibus DP-V1 communication module CI801 | |
CI801 Communication Module Programming Toolkit CI801KIT | |
Profibus DP-V1 communication module can be redundant CI840A | |
CI840 Communication Module Programming Toolkit CI840KIT | |
CI840 mounting base (for redundant I/O) TU846 | |
CI840 mounting base (for redundant I/O) TU847 | |
CI801 firmware upgrade tool FS801K01 | |
Analog input module 8-channel AI810 | |
Analog input module supports HART AI815 | |
Analog input module, 4 channels AI820 | |
Analog input module, 4 channels AI825 | |
Analog input module, 8 channels, thermal resistance PT100 AI830A | |
Analog input module, 8-channel thermocouple AI835A | |
Analog input module, 8-channel thermocouple, redundant AI843 | |
Analog input module, 8 channels, redundant HART AI845 | |
Analog input module, 8 channels intrinsically safe analog input AI890 | |
Analog input module, 8-channel intrinsically safe temperature input AI893 | |
Analog input module Intrinsically safe analog input HART AI895 | |
Analog input module AI801 | |
Analog output module 8 channels AO810V2 | |
Analog output module 8 channels support HART AO815 | |
Analog output module 4 channels AO820 | |
Analog output module 8 channels redundant HART AO845A | |
Analog output module 8-channel intrinsically safe analog output AO890 | |
Analog output module 8-channel intrinsically safe analog output HART AO895 | |
Analog output module AO801 | |
Digital input module 16 channels 24V d.c DI810 | |
Digital input module 16 channels 48V DI811 | |
Digital input module 16-channel 24V d.c current source DI814 | |
Digital input module 8-channel 120V a.c DI820 | |
Digital input module 8-channel 230V a.c DI821 | |
Digital input module 8-channel 125V d.c. SOE DI825 | |
Digital input module 2*8 channel 24V d.c.SOE DI830 | |
Digital input module 2*8 channels 48V d.c. SOE DI831 | |
Digital input module 16 channels 24V d.c. redundant DI840 | |
Digital input module 8 channels 24V/48V d.c. SOE DI885 | |
Digital input module 8-channel intrinsically safe DI890 | |
Digital input module DI801 | |
Digital input module DI802 | |
Digital input module DI803 | |
Digital output module 16 channels 24 V d.c DO810 | |
Digital output module 2×8 channels Current absorption DO814 | |
Digital output module 2×4 channels 24V output, 2A DO815 | |
Digital output module 8-channel relay digital output, normally open DO820 | |
Digital output module 8-channel relay digital output, normally closed DO821 | |
Digital output module 2×8 channels 24V d.c. redundant DO840 | |
Digital output module 4-channel intrinsically safe digital output DO890 | |
Digital output module DO801 | |
Digital output module DO802 | |
Pulse input module 2 channels 1.5MHZ RS-422 Current DP820 | |
Pulse input module 8 channels 20KHZ redundant DP840 | |
Compact terminal block, 24VDC TU810V1 | |
Compact terminal block, 50V TU812V1 | |
Compact terminal block, 250V TU811V1 | |
Compact terminal block 250V TU813 | |
Compact terminal block, 50V TU814V1 | |
Extended terminal block, 24VDC TU830V1 | |
Extended terminal block, 230V TU831V1 | |
Extended terminal block, 50V TU833 | |
Extended terminal block for AI810 with insurance TU835V1 | |
Extended terminal block for DO820, DO821, with insurance 1*8 TU836V1 | |
Extended terminal block for DO820, DO821, with insurance 2*5 TU837V1 | |
Extended terminal block, 2*4 insurance, 16-channel terminal TU838 | |
Extended terminal block, 250V TU839 | |
AO845, DI840, DO840 redundant I/O base horizontal installation TU842 | |
AO845, DI840, DO840 redundant I/O base, vertical installation TU843 | |
AI845/DP840 redundant I/O base, horizontal installation TU844 | |
AI845/DP840 redundant I/O base, vertical installation TU845 | |
Expansion module base, 50V TU850 | |
Intrinsically safe terminal block TU890 | |
Non-intrinsically safe base, G3 compatible with TU891Z | |
AI845 resistance TY801K01 | |
Resistor for DP840 TY804K01 | |
Modular bus cable adapter interface (OUT) TB805 | |
Dual module bus cable adapter interface (OUT) TB845 | |
Modular bus cable adapter interface (IN) TB806 | |
Dual module bus cable adapter interface (IN) TB846 | |
Modular bus connection cable, 0.3m TK801V003 | |
Modular bus connection cable, 0.6 meters TK801V006 | |
Modular bus connection cable, 1.2m TK801V012 | |
Terminal resistance TB80 | |
Module bus Model TB820V2 | |
Fiber optic converter TB825 | |
Modular bus Modem redundancy TB840A | |
Modular bus fiber port (for CI810, CI830) TB810 | |
Modular bus optical fiber port (for transmission equipment) TB811 | |
Modular bus optical fiber port (used in CI801, CI840 in the city) TB842 | |
TB840/TB840A base (for single TB840/TB840A) TU807TB840/TB840A base for redundant I/O TU840 | |
TB840/TB840A base for non-redundant I/O TU841 | |
Redundant TB840/TB840A base, non-redundant I/O, redundant power interface TU848 | |
Redundant TB840/TB841A base, redundant I/O, redundant power interface TU849 | |
Dual-port plastic optical fiber 1.5m TK811V015 | |
Dual-port plastic optical fiber 5 meters TK811V050 | |
Dual-port plastic optical fiber 15m TK811V150 | |
Single-port plastic optical fiber, 15 meters TK812V150 | |
Single-port plastic optical fiber, 1.5 meters TK812V015 | |
Single-port plastic optical fiber, 5 meters TK812V050 |